The 5E's of Unconventional Leadership: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

Did you ever feel like a cog in a machine, a small part of a huge system that hardly recognizes you, let alone values your potential? I did.

And the truth is, most of us have been there.

But I truly believe that it doesn't have to be this way. That's why I want to invite you on a journey - a journey towards a new, evolved form of leadership that can transform organizations and the people within them.

The rules of the game are changing. As a business leader, I've navigated my share of choppy waters - crises, recessions, rapid technological change, resource scarcity, a global pandemic. It’s clear that the leadership approaches of the past can't always solve the problems of today, let alone tomorrow.

This understanding led me to the 5E's Framework:

  • Empower
  • Enhance
  • Enable
  • Engage
  • Evolve

- a different lens through which to view and practice leadership.

In this guide, we'll explore each 'E', drawing upon real-world examples, case studies, and practical tips to paint a comprehensive picture of this new leadership paradigm.

But here's the deal - this isn't just another business concept. It's a philosophy, a way of leading and living that I genuinely believe can unleash untapped potential within our organizations and ourselves. The 5E’s have changed my life, my leadership style, and the way I view organizations. I hope, dear reader, it might do the same for you.

Are you ready to question some long-held beliefs and explore a new frontier of leadership? Great! Buckle up, and let's begin this exciting journey."

Chapter 1: Empower - Unleashing the True Potential

You are far more capable than you think you are.

This is something which came to me not from the very start.

Early on, I was naturally afraid of new things and was stuck every time I had to go beyond my knowledge and experience. Sure, it was in the very beginning of my professional experience, early on in my career when I built up my professional baggage.

Fortunately, I got good teachers and business mentors, who showed me my potential, who believed in me and allowed to build up self-confidence through giving me credit of trust, empowering for action and allowing to try and fail.

Next came my first managerial experience, when taking responsibility for someone's lack of experience was scaring even stronger.

Though, with the help of other teachers (and oftentimes those were my team members I managed), I learned to trust people. Including trusting in almost unlimited capabilities of people, which allow to reach whatever heights, over time.

Now, I tell these words to everyone on my team. It's a mantra I've come to believe in deeply, something that forms the backbone of the first E in our 5E's framework - Empower.

At its heart, Empower is about fostering an environment where everyone feels they have the agency and authority to make decisions and contribute their ideas. I've found that this isn't just about 'giving' power. It's also about helping people recognize and believe in their own capabilities, to see themselves as powerful contributors to the team and the wider organization.

I'd like to share a story from my time as a young manager in a software development company, which really brought home the power of Empower. I was overseeing a small recruitment team working on a critical outsourcing project. Our challenge was crucial for Company success, aggressive deadline to shape the team was fast approaching, and we were grappling with overall candidates availability and their a skills corresponding the Client expectations. As a team leader, I felt the weight of the situation and was ready to put in long hours to find the solution. Working on some positions over night was a norm.

However, during a team meeting, one of our newest recruits - let's call her Maria, a quiet yet passionate junior researcher - timidly offered a solution. She was new, she was inexperienced, and she was suggesting a route that did not come to the mind of experienced recruiters. The safer choice was to stick with the tried and true methods.

But I remembered my mantra: "You are far more capable than you think you are." I looked at Maria and decided to take a chance. Anyway, we were stuck and risked to loose the entire project and generate great hit over reputation.

I chose to Empower her, giving her the green light to implement her idea.

The outcome? Maria's solution not only resolved our issue to access to candidates, but it also sped up the overall recruitment process. Her unconventional method saved us time and increased the candidate quality. But beyond this, there was an even more valuable outcome - the change in Maria herself. Empowered, she blossomed into a confident, solution-oriented team member. In a short time, a fresh graduate with nearly 0 experienced stepped up as a talented recruiter for the most emerging Software programmers and was soon leading her own outsourcing project staffing.

You see, Empowerment isn't about passing over responsibilities and hoping for the best. It's about trusting your team, nurturing their confidence, and opening up opportunities for growth.

If you're sitting there wondering, "How can I apply this in my own organization?" – let’s explore some practical steps in the next part. But before we do that, pause for a moment and think about your own 'Maria'. Do you have a team member with untapped potential, waiting for an opportunity to shine?

Chapter 2: Enhance - Cultivating Growth Mindset

“Everyone shines, given the right lighting.” - Susan Cain.

Every person has their unique strengths, their own sparkle. As a leader, one of our most rewarding tasks is to spot this sparkle, this innate ability or talent, and to Enhance it. That's what the second E in our 5E's framework stands for - Enhance.

Enhancement is about recognizing the potential in others and providing them with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to shine brighter. It’s like nurturing a seed, watering it, giving it sunlight, removing the weeds, and watching it grow into a beautiful, blooming flower.

Here's a story from my career as an HR business partner that highlights the power of Enhancement. There was this one employee, let's call him Mark. Mark was a customer service representative, but he had a knack for making things efficient. He would always come up with new ways to streamline processes or automate mundane tasks. However, Mark's role didn't provide him much scope to really delve into this talent.

One day, Mark approached me with a proposal to automate a part of our customer service workflow. He had already laid out the entire plan, down to the smallest detail. I saw this as an opportunity, not only to increase our efficiency but also to Enhance Mark’s unique talent.

So, instead of disregarding his idea as 'out of his job scope,' I chose to support it. I worked with Mark to get approval for his plan. We faced resistance, of course. "Why would we change the workflow that's been working just fine?" was a common question. But I saw Mark's potential and was convinced about his idea.

Eventually, we got the green light. The result? Mark’s plan ended up saving hundreds of man-hours, drastically increasing our department’s efficiency. But more importantly, we managed to Enhance Mark's hidden talent. He became an integral part of all our process improvement initiatives, gaining more confidence and satisfaction from his work.

The act of Enhancing is an ongoing journey that can drastically transform your team and your organization. It requires you to see beyond the job descriptions and tap into the potential of your people. After all, an organization, at its core, is its people.

So, ask yourself, do you have a 'Mark' in your team? What steps can you take today to enhance their unique skills or talents? And if you are wondering about the 'how,' the next section will walk you through it. But for now, I want you to pause and reflect on the power of Enhancement and how it could make a difference in your leadership style.

🎯 Chapter 3: Enable - Unleashing Potential

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek.

Let's explore the essence of Enablement through the journey of Adam, a seasoned leader at 'European Manufacturing'. When European acquired a smaller family-owned enterprise, 'Best Products', Adam was entrusted with the challenging task of leading the integration of the new team into European's larger, more structured environment.

'Best Products' had a strong tradition of craftsmanship and their team was known for producing high-quality goods. However, in the new larger setup, they were struggling to adapt. The larger processes, longer chains of command, and the new corporate culture were unsettling for them.

They did not grow in the culture of financial discipline, some processes in Supply Chain area were much outdated and did not correspond to market reality and body of knowledge development.

Rather than immediately enforcing new structures and processes, Adam chose to understand. He organized individual and team meetings to understand their concerns, apprehensions, and aspirations.

He discovered that the team members from 'Best Products' were uncomfortable with the hierarchical structure at European. They missed the informal brainstorming sessions and discussions they used to have at their small workshop and felt their ideas were not valued in the new setup.

Inspired by opportunities, Adam decided to Enable. He started by encouraging the Best Products team to voice their ideas and concerns. He set up platforms where they could share their unique techniques and insights. He encouraged their participation in decision-making processes, fostering a culture of collective wisdom.

Adam's 'Enablement' strategy helped to build bridges between the two teams and create a collaborative environment. The team from Best Products started to open up, their performance improved, and they brought a fresh perspective to European's operations.

This is the power of 'Enablement'. It's not about enforcing compliance or pushing for results. It’s about creating conditions where potential can flourish, where everyone feels valued, and where the wisdom of the collective becomes the driving force.

The shift from 'Management' to 'Enablement' might seem subtle, but its impact is profound. It creates an environment of trust, mutual respect, and collaboration, where everyone is inspired to give their best. Because in the end, leadership is about enabling others to become the best versions of themselves.

Chapter 4: Engage - Cultivating Connection

"The art of communication is the language of leadership." - James Humes

Meet Michael, a veteran sales executive in a global B2B Industrial Manufacturer. His sales team was a medley of individuals - from fresh graduates bursting with enthusiasm to experienced professionals, each with their unique sales approach and style. However, despite having a talented team, Michael noticed that they were not hitting their targets consistently, and the team's overall morale seemed low.

Puzzled and worried, Michael decided to dig deeper. He noticed that there were gaps in communication within the team. The new recruits felt intimidated to ask questions while the veterans stuck to their ways, reluctant to adopt newer techniques or technologies. The team was functioning in silos, not as a connected unit.

This is when Michael stumbled upon the 4th 'E' of the 5E’s framework - Engage.

Engagement is more than just getting your team to do their jobs. It's about nurturing a sense of connection, creating an environment where each team member feels heard, valued, and motivated to give their best.

Understanding this, Michael decided to cultivate a culture of engagement. He started with 'Open Fridays' - informal weekly sessions where the team members could freely discuss their challenges, learnings, ideas, and even their weekend plans. He created a mentor-mentee program pairing the experienced sales executives with the fresh recruits, encouraging knowledge exchange and camaraderie.

He also introduced 'Tech Tuesdays', a platform where the team could learn about the latest tech trends and how they could use these trends in their sales strategies. These initiatives served as a platform for open dialogue, breaking down barriers, and fostering a spirit of camaraderie among the team members.

Gradually, the team dynamics began to change. The sales team started functioning as a unit, collaborating, sharing insights, and supporting each other. The engagement level skyrocketed and, with it, the sales performance.

Michael's journey illustrates the power of engagement. Engaging with your team on a deeper level doesn't just improve performance metrics - it builds stronger teams, fosters a positive work environment, and leads to more satisfied, motivated, and productive team members.

So remember, don't just communicate - engage. Because true leadership is not just about leading the way but making sure no one is left behind.

Chapter 5: Evolve – Embracing Transformation and Continuous Adaptation**

Change is the only constant – an age-old adage that rings especially true in today's rapidly evolving business world. Now more than ever, organizations need to embrace evolution, not only to survive but to thrive.

Meet Laura, a production manager in a leading manufacturing company. When the organization decided to introduce new production technology, she found herself facing a major challenge – the team was resistant to this change. They were comfortable with the old procedures and felt threatened by the new technology, fearing that it might make their skills redundant.

Here's how Laura tapped into the 5E's framework, specifically "Evolve," to navigate this challenging situation:

  • First, Laura reassured her team that the new technology wasn't there to replace them but to augment their abilities, making their jobs easier and more efficient. She understood that fear of the unknown was the root cause of their resistance.
  • Next, Laura arranged training sessions where everyone could explore and familiarize themselves with the new technology. She made sure to involve everyone in the learning process, fostering a safe environment where everyone felt comfortable asking questions.
  • Laura also encouraged her team to provide feedback. She wanted to understand their concerns and suggestions on how the new technology could be incorporated into their daily tasks. This showed her team that their voices mattered, and their input was valued.
  • Finally, Laura made it a point to celebrate small victories. Every time a team member successfully completed a task using the new technology, she acknowledged their achievement. This encouraged others to step out of their comfort zone and embrace the new technology.

By embracing the principle of "Evolve," Laura could successfully introduce new technology, all the while keeping her team engaged and motivated. She understood that evolution isn't about discarding the old; it's about growing, adapting, and continuously improving.

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"Embrace change. Because once you do, you can learn from it. Once you learn from it, you can improve and succeed. Embrace change, and you'll start to see the beauty of it." - Jack Welch

The evolving business landscape calls for leaders to be agile, resilient, and adaptable. Evolve – the final 'E' in the 5E's framework – encourages leaders to create a culture that values continuous learning, innovation, and adaptation. It asks leaders to be enablers of change and growth.

As we conclude this comprehensive guide on the 5E's of Unconventional Leadership, it's important to remember that adopting this framework isn't a one-time event. It's an ongoing process of evolution, of constantly striving to become better leaders and foster more productive, fulfilled teams.

With the 5E's framework in your leadership toolkit, you're equipped to empower your team, enhance their skills, enable their success, engage them on a deeper level, and evolve with them towards a successful future.

Your journey towards unconventional leadership starts now. Embrace the change.

Chapter 6: Integrating the 5E’s – Crafting the Symphony of Unconventional Leadership

Let me take you on a journey. This is not just a story, but a voyage of discovery. It's the story of an international trade firm, stuck at a crossroads, and a fateful encounter that led to the birth of a revolutionary leadership philosophy.

A few years back, I was approached by Robert, a worried CEO of a global trading company. His business was stagnating, failing to achieve the growth he had planned. Everything appeared perfect - they had dedicated employees, a robust financial profile, a vast partner network. But the results were not matching the potential. Intrigued, I agreed to step in and work alongside Robert to identify the root cause.

Upon my first visit, I could feel the tension. Employees seemed to be going through the motions, ticking boxes rather than pushing boundaries. I sat down with Robert, and we began carving out a new direction for the company, unknowingly setting the foundation of what would later become the 5E's.

We started with trust. Robert had to let go of the reins, trusting his employees with decision-making power. It took an effort to explore through surveys and interviews what led to the situation where employees did not trust each other and were not ready to take account.

Robert accepted the challenge to change self. He took a step back from micromanagement, allowing his team to shoulder greater responsibilities.

Then came growth. We emphasized the need for continuous learning and development. Robert introduced several professional development programs, encouraging a culture of perpetual personal and professional evolution.

My previous experience to support implementation of Continuous Improvement culture also helped there.

Following that, we focused on creating an environment for success. Robert started anticipating potential barriers, ensuring his team had everything they needed to perform at their peak.

Again, detailed surveys, interview, Value Stream Mapping helped a lot in identifying what people missed, and establishing sufficient resources for effective work.

We worked on improving engagement. Open lines of communication were established. Employees' efforts were recognized, their successes celebrated, creating a culture of appreciation and motivation.

We tried few methods to look at, and work with engagement factors.

Finally, one core approach was chosen. We built action plan, trying to capture all aspects we could tackle.

Important was to share small steps, small wins - some changes were almost invisible.

Finally, we encouraged adaptation. We viewed change as an opportunity, not a threat. The company began to swiftly adjust to market fluctuations, seeing them as opportunities for evolution.

Again, we did not stick to academic Change Management methodology, we experimented, engaged team heavily, and focused more on the nature of changing environment, striving for maximum adaptability.

When I returned six months later, the change was striking. Employees were energized, enthusiastic. The company had smashed through its plateau and was witnessing unparalleled growth in both revenue and morale.

Robert looked at me and said: “There wasn’t one magic solution. It was the integration of trust, growth, an enabling environment, engagement, and adaptation. It’s like we've created our own symphony of transformation.”

"Business is a lot like a symphony orchestra. Each instrument contributes to the overall melody. And in leadership, each aspect contributes to overall success." - Unknown

The power of what we discovered lay in the harmony. It was not about focusing on one single element, but about maintaining a balance between all of them. Just like in an orchestra, it was this harmonious blend of trust, growth, enablement, engagement, and adaptation that gave birth to the music of transformative leadership.

This, my friends, was the journey that led to the emergence of the 5E’s – a framework of leadership that would soon go on to redefine the conventional norms. The baton is now in your hands. Are you ready to conduct your leadership symphony?

Chapter 7: Charting Successes and Navigating Pitfalls – Lessons From the Field

Taking on the leadership of a global company or even a small team is no easy task. And when you’re trying to implement a new leadership philosophy, the challenges can be manifold. But what’s life without some challenges to keep us on our toes, right?

Since the inception of first ideas which lead to emergence of the 5E's framework, there have been quite a few moments of sheer triumph along with some unexpected hiccups. But each experience, good or bad, has been a teacher in its own way, imparting invaluable lessons that have helped refine the framework.

I remember one incident in particular – the story of Sara, the CEO of a technology startup. Sara had been trying to implement the 5E's framework principles in her rapidly growing company but was struggling with the 'Enable' aspect. Her well-intentioned efforts to create an enabling environment were being misinterpreted as a lack of clear direction, leading to chaos and confusion.

After several exhausting weeks, Sara and I sat down for a heart-to-heart chat. We realized that her communication needed a touch of clarity. Her team needed guidance, a sense of what was expected of them before they could be empowered to deliver. She went back, communicated her expectations more clearly, and the results were immediate and powerful. Sales skyrocketed, and morale soared even higher.

On the other hand, we've also witnessed extraordinary successes. Take, for example, Mike's story. Mike was the COO of a mid-sized manufacturing firm. Under his leadership, the firm adopted what later was becoming the "5E's framework" with open arms. Mike fostered an environment of trust and growth, enabling his employees to take ownership of their roles, engaging them at every step, and constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing market needs.

Within a year, the company had doubled its productivity rates, reduced employee turnover significantly, and, most importantly, created a positive work culture that employees were proud to be a part of.

Both Sara and Mike's experiences remind us of an essential truth about the 5E's framework – that it's not a one-size-fits-all model. It needs to be adapted to your team's needs, communication style, and organizational culture. It's a reminder that the 5E's aren't a strict set of rules, but a flexible guide that must be molded to your unique circ*mstances.

So, as you journey down this road of transformative leadership, remember to celebrate your successes, learn from your pitfalls, and never stop evolving. The journey of unconventional leadership isn't always easy, but trust me, it's a journey worth embarking on.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill

Conclusion: The Future of Leadership

We're living in an era of unprecedented change, an era where our age-old systems, structures, and ways of working are being questioned and transformed. Traditional top-down leadership models are increasingly giving way to more collaborative, empowering, and people-centric approaches.

And this shift couldn't have come at a better time. As our organizations grow more diverse, dispersed, and digital, it's clear that we need a new model for leadership – one that truly aligns with the times.

That's where the 5E's of Unconventional Leadership come in. Empower, Enhance, Enable, Engage, and Evolve – these are more than just buzzwords. They represent a holistic, balanced, and humanistic approach to leadership, an approach that recognizes the immense potential within each one of us and the power of collective effort.

But the 5E's aren't just about transforming leadership. They're about changing how we view our roles within organizations, shifting from a mindset of control and command to one of enablement and empowerment. They're about creating environments where each individual feels valued, heard, and motivated to give their best.

As we step into the future, I believe that the 5E's will play a critical role in defining the new era of leadership. But remember, the transformation starts with you. So, how will you choose to lead?

As I close this guide, I invite you to join the conversation. Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas on the 5E's and the future of leadership. Reach out on LinkedIn, tag me in your posts, or drop me a message.

Let's shape the future of leadership together. Because the future isn't something that just happens. It's something we create.

Will you join me in creating a future where leadership is not about managing but enabling? Where we're not just bosses but guides, mentors, and growth enablers? I look forward to embarking on this journey with you.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

Are you ready to adapt, evolve, and lead the change?

Let's have a talk.

The 5E's of Unconventional Leadership: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.