Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (2025)


This is a build I came up with that can be used as a League Starter since it doesn't require much to get into late game, as well as for HC or SSF.

This build is based on the interaction between Scion's Chieftain and Hierophant ascendancies, giving her +1 Totem, damage from 'covered in ash' and Totem Taunt.
It also takes advantage of Holy Flame Totem's skill description, which deals Physical Damage and converts to fire, so we can use some tricks to get extra damage.


Unified all POBs in one, since we can now set Tree, Item and Skill sets.
Be sure to set the one that suits you (HCSSF, SC Trade* ...)

- 3.25:
--- configured for Trade Endgame:

ATTENTION: To switch to another version, i.e. SC Trade version, be sure to select corresponding option under SKILLS, TREE and ITEMS tabs.

Be sure to check out the NOTES tab for more info


- Clears campaign effortlessly - easy gear progression and high dps
- High HP pool
- High regen
- Survivability through totems taunt and general totem playstyle
- Several synergies along the tree
- Cheap and safe - doesn't depend on specific items to play

- Not min/max'd
- Doing Ubers with it would be very hard
- Totems playstyle isn't for everyone
- Must keep track of mana/reservation (can't use EB)


Now inside POB! -> leveling trees and gems

Be sure to check Notes in POB for more info!


Thanks for your time reading!

Also, something to keep in mind, I'm just sharing a build I like to play and spent some time into. If you don't like it, no problem, just don't call it thrash without stating reasons, so that we can think about it.
Another thing, this was me trying to make this combination of ascendancy work. I won't compare to what I could do with Templar or Marauder, because the point wasn't this to begin with.

This build is maintained and updated since [3.14].

Last edited by gui_orioli on Jul 24, 2024, 7:25:35 AM

Last bumped on Jul 28, 2024, 10:48:11 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2021, 12:54:35 PM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

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Thanks, looks great.

It seems you have two ascendancy points left? What would be great to spend them on?

Also, why Fire Penetration instead of Immolate or Combustion?

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (3)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2021, 1:33:45 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (4)

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (5)


Thanks, looks great.

It seems you have two ascendancy points left? What would be great to spend them on?

Also, why Fire Penetration instead of Immolate or Combustion?

Oh sorry, you are correct, I totally forgot my HCSSF char was missing uber lab. Basically you get to Path of the Marauder, but only for 3 extra skill points. I'll update the lvl 90 POBs

Combustion is used in Flame Golem, so that you get the debuff for free.

Immolate is viable, I usually go for Pen cuz it's better in the worst case scenarios, when mobs are fire resistant.

EDIT: Updated the POBs

Last edited by gui_orioli on Jul 15, 2021, 5:18:02 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (6)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2021, 5:01:20 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (7)

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For those who want to play this build in 3.15 (as I also will), Infused Channeling no longer works with Totems, so the next best option is Multiple Totems Support.

If you want to replace Fire Pen (which isn't the best DPS but helps the most when a mob has above 75% resist), the next best gem would be Inspiration, but it requires you to have two inspiration gems, one linked to totem and one linked to Orb of Storms, to gain inspiration elsewhere (I don't like this idea because you need to spam the "elsewhere" spell). The next best option is Cruelty, just for the raw "more damage".

If you guys intend to go for a more DPS oriented build, some things can help ramp the DPS:
- switch Chaos golem for Lightning golem, for extra cast speed
- switch Shield for a caster shield or dual wield, with +1 level to all fire spells
- ideas from original post can still be used as well

3.15 POB with multiple totems, Lightning golem and dual wands:

Last edited by gui_orioli on Jul 28, 2021, 7:02:17 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (8)

Posted by
on Jul 22, 2021, 8:54:33 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (9)

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Still pretty viable on 3.15, I'm on level 78 doing maps, playing SC this league

This is more or less what I'm aiming for, so far, for reference:

Some considerations:
- The above build is based on my level 78 gear with some extra DPS juice, which I'm planning for SC. This is my current build, which is *mostly* solo found (bought shield and wand when I reached Maps):
- Mana is now a problem, so, maybe it's worth it to convert this life build into MoM. I had to add regen nodes and am running clarity. I really like having the lifeasteal replenishing my pool all the time, which doesn't happen with MoM, so I'm staying on life at the moment.
- Only part of the game I died while rushing through Expedition SC was Izaro on 3rd lab. Take care if playing HC.

General Tree progression:
- Starting life and mana regen nodes, then down through resist nodes to get Totemic Zeal
- Battle Rouse, Constitution, Shaper and Dynamo
- "totem placement" from Primal Manifestation small circle
- up to Ancestral Bond, getting Devotion and Divine Fury while at it
- Avatar of Fire and Purity of Flesh
- Shamanistic Fury, and then Elemental Overload, pretty much having everything needed, now there's much freedom to choose next steps, according to needs

Gem progression is quite simple:
- HFT by playing witch or asking someone to buy it when @lvl4
- Added Fire Damage, Orb of Storms, Clarity, Vitality while at Act 1
- link arcane surge to Orb of Storms
- Elemental Focus and Controlled Destruction on Act 2
- These 4-links can be used until the end of the game.
- Herald of Ash (And Herald of Purity, but don't use it if on mana problems) on Act 2
- Flammability on act 3, link it to a higher level Arcane Surge
- Flame golem and Combustion on act 4, link both and Elemental Army from Act 3. This can pretty much finish the game.

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

Posted by
on Jul 28, 2021, 9:46:08 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (11)

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Added updates for 3.15 in original post, inclusing a slightly more endgame oriented POB

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (12)

Posted by
on Jul 30, 2021, 9:20:11 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (13)

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So far, I'm level 32 and I'm having a lot of fun with this.

I'm a noob and I'm a bit confused about some of the choices here. What is the Herald of Purity supposed to do? It doesn't seem to affect totems and since they're killing everything...I'm not getting any minions to spawn.

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

Posted by
on Aug 8, 2021, 5:44:57 PM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (15)

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So far, I'm level 32 and I'm having a lot of fun with this.

I'm a noob and I'm a bit confused about some of the choices here. What is the Herald of Purity supposed to do? It doesn't seem to affect totems and since they're killing everything...I'm not getting any minions to spawn.

It grants increased physical damage to Holy Flame Totem, which is then converted to fire damage. So it's a damage buff.

If you need to turn off something due to mana problems, it is the first option, since the buff is small.

When you use Orb of Storms (used in this build just to proc Elemental Overload, since Totems doesn't proc it), it will spawn minions when you hit rara/uniques (orb hits, even if it doesn't do dmg), but this isn't something this build counts on ^^

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (16)

Posted by
on Aug 9, 2021, 8:02:16 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

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Updated some POBs and added recommended 3.15 POB

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (18)

Posted by
on Aug 11, 2021, 9:35:23 AM

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

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Very good

I had a scion holy flame, its a blast.

Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

Posted by
on Aug 11, 2021, 4:17:46 PM

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Scion - [3.25] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable - Forum - Path of Exile (2025)
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