Banana Purple Punch Auto
Fast Buds
Growing it
What a pleasant strain to grow. We had some major humidity issues for most of the flowering cycle and they took it like champs. No issues from that point. One did suffer from nutrient burn, but that was my fault. Other than that, this strain produces some fat, dense and purple buds. The branches were super strong. The smell was straight banana with fuel? But definitely banana. It was also almost overwhelming when trimming. How nice.
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4 months ago
May 31, 2024Harvest day. Finally!Banana Purple Punch A was 22 oz wet trimmed. Day 3 dryingBanana Purple Punch B was 20.5 oz wet trimmed.These 2 were a breeze to work with. Even though Banana Purple Punch A got some nutrient burn. She still pulled through with a happy wet weight. I'm guessing based on the size of the buds and how dense they are, we will have a decent weight retention. Maybe 4.5 oz for Banana Purple Punch A and 4 oz for Banana Purple Punch B.I'll say this. The aroma of these ladies was straight banana. And SUPER potent. Nealy overwhelming.I'll update at least the day of drying until they are done. I'm guessing 7 days for each. However, my dry tent is too dry. No clue why. I may have to put a humidifier in the tent. I know you shouldn't do that, but I need the humidity to be above 52%.June 1, 2024Banana Purple Punch A Day 4 Drying.Banana Purple Punch B Day 1 Drying.Nothing to really discuss today. We are all looking good. Still need to install the humidifier. The temp is pretty good though. At 66°, but still way too dry. I'm concerned for Banana Purple Punch A. I don't need her drying out too quickly.I took a sample from Banana Purple Punch A today. The stem is completely wet, but the buds were definitely nearly dry. No gummy grinder, no grass smell, just some good weed. I'll keep I'll check her tomorrow. I'm assuming she will be done by tomorrow or the next day.Dry Tent Environment: Temp: 67.8° RH: 51.8% VPD: 1.12 kPaJune 2, 2024Banana Purple Punch A Day 5 Drying. The smallest of twiggy branches had a nice snap, but anything bigger isn't quite there yet. I'd say another day in the current environment. 60% humidity and 68°Banana Purple Punch B Day 2 DryingUpdate: I ended up manicuring and bagging Banana Purple Punch A. The moisture meter read 10.5, so I decided to finish them up. The humidity is super high today as it's raining, so the branches started absorbing water. The buds started as well, but now I have them in a Grove Bag. It's reading 63%, so it'll need a couple days of actual curing. I think it's a bit better to bag with more moisture and burp verses over drying and having to rehydrate the buds. I mean, of course the perfect time would be ideal, but I found that the fluctuation of the environment in my situation, needed to be bagged with even more control. I think I'll leave Banana Purple Punch B in the drying tent for as long as I can. So far the humidity hasn't gone below 58% so if I can keep it there and drop the temp, I can leave her in there for 10 to 14 days.Dry Tent Environment: Temp: 69.4° RH: 58.1%VPD: 1.03 kPaJune 3, 2024Banana Purple Punch A is smelling great! She's showing 64% in the grove bag, but that is probably because it's 68% humidity in my room. Unfortunately, this is the only place in the house I can store and cure my weed. So I have to fight it. I opened the bag and dumped the buds on a trimming tray in the dry tent. Not much happened except the humidity in the dry tent was 66% for the half hour they were in there, so it didn't do much of anything if anything at all.Banana Purple Punch B Day 3 Drying. Nothing else to say, she's drying and it will be SLOW. Very slow with this humidity climbing up above 65%. I'm afraid of mold. I have air circulation and the exhaust is running at about 40% power. So everything should be ok.I've also noticed the carbon filter for the dry tent is starting to lose its effectiveness. There is a slight cannabis smell coming from the outlet. It could just be how strong the aroma is for Banana Purple Punch B, cuz it's strong.That's it for today. I'm not bothering with the environmental readings. It's too warm and too humid. Lol.June 4, 2024The humidity spiked yet again. Smh. I have the exhaust fan at half power now to keep the air flowing. Hopefully that prevents mold in this what looks to be a long dry. It'll be hot today, so the central air should kick on around noon. But for now the humidity is around 66%. Entirely way too high.The temp, however, is alright at 68°. I'd much rather the temp be below 65°, but I just can't get it down. I'm really hoping my hydrometer just needs to be calibrated or something. Reason being it's a dark tent with a fan going. The room temp is 69° and the humidity is 67%. One would think the temp would be much lower than 68° and the humidity should be higher in the tent.Alas, I have no idea how to fix this. I left the tent door open for a little bit to try and air out the tent, but there shouldn't be any old air issues. It's a 4 inch inline fan. No problems with suction in a 2x2.I'll keep fighting it until the A/C comes on. If anyone has any ideas, please leave a comment. I'd love a bit of guidance not only for this run, but future runs as well.Banana Purple Punch B Day 4 Drying.I'll note the current weight tomorrow. It makes sense as that would be midway through the drying time. I'm willing to bet she lost half her weight by now, if not more.June 5, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 5 Drying. Day 5 Dry weight: 6.0 oz. That's a 71% loss so far. However, I'm guessing she won't lose much more weight. I ended up doing a snap test on some twigs and they are about 2 to 3 days out. Maybe 4 of the humidity doesn't let up. Speaking of humidity, it dropped down fairly low after the A/C kicked on. It was down for the majority of the evening and a few hours through the night. Unfortunately, it didn't last and is now back up to 63%. It's not too bad, but I'd rather the humidity be around 58% for this plant. Dense buds and all. But I'll take the higher humidity if it means a better dry. I don't think 63% is any good though, so I'll still try to keep it below 62%.Dry Tent Environment: Temp: 70.8° RH: 58.0% VPD: 1.08 kPaJune 6, 2024Banana Purple Punch B day 6 drying.It's humid. Like really $#@&ing humid. The dry tent is suffering horribly. It's 69% in there and there's nothing I can do about it. I can't seem to get the humidity to drop at all. I might put a dehumidifier in there to dry out out some, but then the temp will increase and that's already at 70°. That's too high on its own.All that being said, this will put major stress on the plant while it dries. And if I have learned anything, cannabis is like a sponge for water. So it's back to being wet now. I think it will be another 4 to 5 days. Which is about what I was planning on the first place, but that was with the correct environment. Not this horse shit. I should weigh it. It was 6 oz yesterday, so I wonder what it will be like today with all this humidity. 6.5 oz? Wouldn't that be insane?Dry Tent Environment: Temp: 70.1° RH: 59.3% VPD: 1.03 kPaJune 7, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 7 DryingThe environment is still a little wonky. The humidity is just over 62% and the temp is just under 70°. Not ideal, but within range. Barely. I have a lot of airflow even though it's a dry tent. I need the airflow to keep mold spores from getting all over the plant.Banana Purple Punch A smells great. The Grove Bag is still sitting at 63%, but I plan on dumping the bag out later today. I want to air them out for a half hour or so.Dry System Environment: Temp: 68.5° RH: 60.3% VPD: 0.95 kPaJune 8, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 8 Drying.She needs another couple of days I think. No snap yet. The environment is starting to even out... For now. It's supposed to rain this evening, so the humidity and wetness will return. However, for now it's looking pretty good. The temp is still at 70°, but the humidity is at 61%. So that's good. Not the temp, but the humidity.Dry Tent Environment: Temp: 69.3° RH: 59.5% VPD: 0.99 kPaJune 9, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 9 Drying.I got a single snap from a small twig today. Unfortunately the rest of the branches are still bendy. But it tells me she only has a day or 2 left. She smells amazing. The sharp plant smell is finally gone and now it's just pure Banana Purple Punch. Sweet and pungent. And lots of Banana smell.The environment has stayed pretty consistent over the past few days. Hovering around 60% with a temp of 70°. I know the temp is a bit high, but it's the best I can do. Even when I bring the temp in my room down to 65° the dry tent only goes down to 68°.Dry System Environment: Temp: 69.4° RH: 58.9% VPD: 1.01 kPaJune 10, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 10 Drying.Still bendy branches. But getting very close. Sometime, within the next two days, she will be ready. It could be tonight, or in 2 days. At this point it's so slow I think I could push to 14 days. I most likely won't be doing that though. I need to either put a different plant in this tent or take it down for more space in my room.I'm pretty sure the environment is looking pretty good. The temp in my room is lower today and the humidity dropped a little bit. So we are definitely below 62% and the temp should be around 60%. My hydrometer shut off and I need to restart it. I'll update with real numbers later when I fix it.Update: The temp is at 68° and the humidity is at 58%. So looking good. I also took a small sample. No real snap, but the little twig snapped at the base of the side branch. Still... Not quite there yet. The grind is pretty good, but the bud doesn't stay lit as it should. So she's not ready. But the bud smells and tastes amazing. Curing will only make it better.June 11, 2024Banana Purple Punch B Day 11 Drying.Yet another day of drying. I seriously cannot wait to sample this plant. She smells amazing. The buds look great. I've noticed that the branches don't seem to be hardening off. And if they are, I can't tell. It just feels the same as yesterday. Which felt the same as the day before. Or I'm just not paying enough attention. Either way, I'm still waiting for a snap of any kind. It could be later today or tomorrow. At this point I'm just guessing. Eventually I'll get the time down and know how long it will take in the future.Update: So I checked the small twigs and a couple bud sites. I found that the small twigs would snap at different angles and some not at all. Same with the bud sites. However, while checking one of the bud sites, a part of the bud popped off. Like it was getting brittle. I don't know what that means, but I'm bagging this plant today. The cure will bring out the extra moisture, if there even is any, over time. I'll wait a couple hours and see how she looks, but she is getting bagged at some point today.June 12, 2024Both plants are curing at 60%. Perfect. Just wanted to mention that. I'll come back in a few months to update. You know, after the curing process is complete and we are just in the storage phase.